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Slow Down to Get Around






As a result of an awareness campaign, House Bill 4017, sponsored by Representative Paul Opsommer, became law in January 2009. Public Act 464 of 2008 requires drivers to use caution when approaching a service worker in a roadway and imposes penalties for violators.


The "Slow Down To Get Around" concept was developed by an Ohio waste hauling company in response to an accident that claimed the life of one of their employees. In August 2005, Granger Container Service, Inc. spearheaded the formation of the Mid-Michigan Slow Down to Get Around group. The stakeholders include all types of service providers who work in or near the roadway.


Additionally, a number of communities adopted a Slow Down to Get Around resolution. By adopting the resolution they agree to join with industry to promote driver awareness and support adoption of tougher laws.

Contact Us:
Michigan Waste & Recycling Association
124 West Allegan Street, Suite 1900 Lansing, Michigan 48933
Phone: 517-484-6561 Fax: 517-484-4442

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